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Book Guido Argentini - "Private Rooms"
Провокационные фотографии обнаженных девушек в провокационных местах - от дешевых мотелей до фешенебельных отелей.
5830 руб
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Book Guido Argentini - "Reflections"
Альбом Argentini, Reflections с фотографиями обнаженных девушек играет с нашим восприятием, заставляя задуматься что реально, а что нет.
4800 руб
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Book Bruno Bisang. Exposure / Экспозиция
"Фотографии - это зеркало, отражающее мою личность. Конечно, консерваторам многие из моих работ покажутся провокационными, но ...
3290 руб
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Book Andreas H. Bitesnich - "On form"
Книга Андреаса Битеснича - это рандеву с приятными моментами, рождающими в воображении образ безупречного женского и мужского т ...
3290 руб
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Book Senses / Frank De Mulder
Это поразительная коллекция работ гламурного фотографа со всемирным признанием Frank De Mulder. Он снимал для таких журналов, как Elle, GQ, ...
3290 руб
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Book Gabo - "Big Shots"
Габо — знаменитая в Европе фотограф, снимающая знаменитостей самого высокого уровня. Этот альбом — коллекция лучших работ ...
3290 руб
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Book Robert Mapplethorpe
Это крупное, давно не переиздававшееся, исследование черно-белой фотографии Роберта Мэпплторпа (Robert Mapplethorpe). В него входят избра ...
5670 руб
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Book Martin Schoeller. Close Up
Чудеса макросъемки, или Разоблачение знаменитостей! Трудно себе представить, что кто-то осмелится фотографировать звезд мирово ...
2360 руб
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Book David LaChapelle - "Heaven to Hell"
Это завершающий альбом трилогии Дэвида Лашапеля (David LaChapelle), первая книга LaChapelle Land которой была опубликована в 1996 году, а вторая Hot ...
5400 руб
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Book Life A Journey Through Time Frans Lanting (Жизнь Франс Лантинг)
In the year 2000, world-renowned wildlife photographer Frans Lanting set out on a personal journey to photograph the evolution of life on earth. He made pilgrimages to true time capsules like a remote lagoon in Western Australia, spent ...
2990 руб
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Book Sebastião Salgado - "Africa"
Себастио Сальгадо – наиболее признанный современный фотожурналист. Его репутация основывается на десятках впечатляющих чер ...
3950 руб
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Book Араки (Araki)
Эта книга рассказывает обо мне все! Фотография - это любовь и смерть - вот моя эпитафия. Японский фотограф Араки (Araki) - человек, кот ...
4980 руб
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Book David LaChapelle - "Hotel"
Давид Лашапель (David Lachapelle) считается одним из десяти самых известных фотографов мира. Его часто называют «Сальвадор Дали треть ...
5000 руб
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Book The Great LIFE Photographers
В небольших магазинах, торгующих старыми книгами и периодикой, что есть в любом более-менее приличном городе США, не в& ...
2640 руб
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Book Magnum Magnum
Основанное в 1947 году Робертом Капа, Анри Картье-Брессоном, Джорджем Роджером и Девидом Сеймуром, Magnum Photos стало легендарным сообщ ...
10160 руб
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Book Richard Avedon - In The American West
Материал для выставки In The American West снимался в течение шести лет и исключительно в летнее время. Работа велась в 17 штатах и 189 город ...
4110 руб
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Book Monkey Portraits
We share about 98 percent of our DNA with chimpanzees, our closest biological cousins. And never have the similarities between simians and humans been so amusingly and brilliantly captured as in "Monkey Portratis". Jill Greenb ...
1370 руб
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Book Henri Cartier-Bresson: Europeans
In 1955, Henri Cartier-Bresson published "The Europeans", a portrait of the continent documenting a landscape shadowed by the war. In this book, the photographer brings together images spanning the years from the late 1920s to ...
2350 руб
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Book Henri Cartier-Bresson: The man the image the World
Анри Картье-Брессон провёл четыре десятилетия путешествуя по миру в качестве фоторепортёра в поисках «решающего момента» ...
3420 руб
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Book Henri Cartier-Bresson: and the Artless Art
Henri Cartier-Bresson is renowned for capturing the humour, spontaneity and universality of life in his photographs. This volume traces his artistic progression from his earliest works right up to the present, and includes images from F ...
3720 руб
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Book Helmut Newton: Portraits / Helmut Newton (Хельмут Ньютон)
Newton’s collection of portraits from the worlds of film, fashion, politics and culture can be considered a pantheon of VIP’s. But his work is a lot more besides. From his portraits, one can see that he would have most liked ...
2930 руб
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Book Helmut Newton: Private Property
Through their inimitable mixture of eroticism, subdued elegance and decadent luxury, Newton’s pictures reflect in the highest aesthetic quality an obsession with human vanity – from female exhibitionism to male voyeurism. Wi ...
840 руб
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Book Henri Cartier-Bresson. A Propos de Paris
"Photography is nothing, it's life that interests me." With his ever-present Leica camera, Henri Cartier-Bresson captured the raw and the sweet, the comic and the profound moments of lives that were lost in the grind or relega ...
1660 руб
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Magnum Photos, founded in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, David Seymour, and Bill Vandivert, is one of the most famous photo agencies in the world. Until only recently, it was thought that the earliest Magnum ...
3130 руб
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Book Michael Poliza: Africa
Africa is a source of amazing bio-diversity and home to some of the planet's most spectacular landscapes. The sights of this awe-inspiring continent are captured with consummate skill and sensitivity by master lensman Michael Poliza. Wi ...
5670 руб
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Book Robert Capa: Heart of Spain
Considered by many to be the greatest war photographer, Robert Capa first gained recognition for images he made during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). This volume is the first to be devoted entirely to these photographs.
1900 руб
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Book Bettina Rheims - "Retrospective"
Сборник лучших работ Беттины Реймс за период 1979-2002 гг. В издание вошли работы — от фотографий знаменитых женщин до неизвестных ...
2980 руб
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Book Bettina Rheims - "Heroines"
Беттина Реймс в своем новом альбоме представляет 50 портретов моделей и знаменитостей снятых в платьях от-кутюр в фирменной "ч ...
3750 руб
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Book Elliott Erwitt: Dogs
This is a lighthearted presentation of 500 of Magnum photographer Elliott Erwitt's dog photographs. Divided into horizontal and vertical shots, short captions detail the place and year. P.G. Wodehouse provides a short introductory text.
3460 руб
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Book Elliott Erwitt New York
Elliott Erwitt's glimpses of New York City are sometimes gritty, sometimes elegant, yet always true to life. His monochromatic tribute to the Big Apple contains all the shadings of this vital metropolis. Capturing the true diversity tha ...
3460 руб
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Book Tim Walker - "Pictures"
Альбом предлагает уникальную возможность не только увидеть работы топового fashion-фотографа Тима Волкера, но и благодаря представ ...
6800 руб
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Book Ansel Adams "California: With Classic California Writings"
Ansel Adams lived his entire life in California, and his monumental photographs of the state's most striking natural wonders -- Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada -- won him worldwide renown.
2810 руб
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Book Michael Poliza: Eyes Over Africa
В 2006 г., осуществляя свою мечту, известный фотограф Майкл Полиза и его друг Стефан Бреуер/Stefan Breuer пролетели на вертолете над Африк ...
5670 руб
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Book Peter Arnold - "Men Exposed"
Peter Arnold is one of the most respected fine art photographers of our time and he exudes an energy that takes visible form in his photographs. Multi-talented, he is both a photographer and an accomplished contemporary painter; he is a ...
3340 руб
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Book Sante D Orazio - "Katlick School"
There is something powerfully erotic about Catholic schoolgirl uniforms. The blazer or sweater, the immaculate white shirt, the pleated skirt, the knee socks and athletic shoes are the stuff of legend. It's a charming fetish, as psycho- ...
2580 руб
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Book Elliott Erwitt - "Unseen"
For those already familiar with the scope and ingenuity of this photographic craftsman, this is an essential addition to your Erwitt collection. If not, you can look forward to discovering his eclecticism and expertise. Probing the limi ...
3340 руб
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Book Mapplethorpe - "The Complete Flowers"
The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of his deepest concerns as an artist. The photographs in Flowers range from images of the early 1980s to many taken in the months just before ...
5740 руб
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Book Sebastiao Salgado - "Les enfants de l exode"
around 80 duotone plates, incl. 3 double-page panoramas - portraits of displaced children around the world by Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado (b.1944) - intro. by Salgado - captions.
2940 руб
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Book The New Erotic Photography
The most provocative modern image makers
4310 руб
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Book Highlights of the LUMAS Portfolio
LUMAS is the unique worldwide representative for more than 120 established artists and promising young talents. LUMAS' mission is to keep art aficionados abreast of modern art — and make original pieces accessible.
3110 руб
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Book Hasselblad Masters
Восемь стран. Двенадцать фотографов. Двенадцать мастеров. В профессиональном календаре «Hasselblad Masters» 2004 года (www.hasselblad.com)
5540 руб
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Book Mark Seliger - "The Music Book"
Like a great piece of rock music, an artful photograph is part harmony and part unexpected chaos. Mark Seliger is an artist who chronicles the music world and transposes its idioms to the photographic medium.
4160 руб
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Book Stern Portfolio No. 51 - David LaChapelle
The king of exuberant eclecticism, photographer and director David LaChappelle is an accomplished talent in the worlds of fashion, advertising and fine art.
4500 руб
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Book Leni Riefenstahl. Africa
"If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began tr ...
5440 руб
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Book Sierra Nevada.Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams was the most honored American photographer of the twentieth century. Renowned for his photographs of the natural world, he photographed chiefly in his beloved Sierra Nevada. William A. Turnage is managing trustee of The Ans ...
2400 руб
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Book Josef Koudelka Camargue
Josef Koudelka Camargue SC 30 x 24 cm, Leporello. Actes Sud 2006
2400 руб
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Book Henri Cartier-Bresson:Scrapbook
In 1946 Cartier-Bresson travelled to New York with about 300 prints in his suitcase, bought a scrapbook, glued each one in and brought that album to MoMA`s curators. This book is a facsimile of that famous scrapbook. Обложка: H ...
3700 руб
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Book Photography of Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Documents and celebrates the work of Manuel Alvarez Bravo, the significant force in Mexican photography and one of the foremost practitioners of visual arts in the 20th century. This title includes over 360 sumptuous tritone photograph ...
3360 руб
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Book Helmut Newton. Big Nudes
Big Nudes surpasses even Newton's first book, White Women, as an artistic triumph and a powerful statement of femininity in the 21st century. That it was originally published in 1982 reflects both the timeless quality of great photograp ...
2400 руб
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Book Roy Stuart, Vol. 5
Roy Stuart, Vol. 5 Hardcover + DVD, 23.8 x 30.2 cm (9.4 x 11.9 in.), 280 In his new book, the fifth to date, he hones this exploration into something more forthright, close to film. The photos "tell" short stories, like short ...
2880 руб
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Book Vanity Fair Portraits. A Century of Iconic Images
Портреты "Vanity Fair". Век знаковых изображений 95-летняя история фотографии представлена в этом альбоме посредством снимков, о ...
3700 руб
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Book Edward Weston: Forms of Passion
Anyone curious about Weston or wanting to own a representative selection of his work should buy this book. This IS Weston. This is not a few selected prints of his on a single theme, this is a wide representation of the best of Weston's ...
3850 руб
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Book Josef Koudelka: Invasion 68: Prague
In 1968, Josef Koudelka was a 30-year-old acclaimed theater photographer who had never made pictures of a news event. That all changed on the night of August 21, when Warsaw Pact tanks invaded the city of Prague, ending the short-lived ...
2400 руб
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