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Каталог товаров » Книги по фотоискусству » Книга Ansel Adams "California: With Classic California Writings"  
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Книга Ansel Adams "California: With Classic California Writings"

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Ansel Adams lived his entire life in California, and his monumental photographs of the state's most striking natural wonders -- Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada -- won him worldwide renown.



Описание Книга Ansel Adams "California: With Classic California Writings":

Ansel Adams lived his entire life in California, and his monumental photographs of the state's most striking natural wonders -- Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada -- won him worldwide renown. But throughout his career, from the 1920s to the 1980s, Adams also photographed many other areas of the Golden State -- from the Sonoma Valley to Big Sur to Death Valley. This volume collects the full range of Adams' California images for the first time, focusing largely an his lesser-known work outside the Sierra. The seventy beautifully reproduced duotone photographs capture some of California's most striking and exemplary vistas -- San Francisco, the Golden Gate, Point Reyes, the North Coast, redwood forests, Mount Lassen, orchards in Santa Clara, Lake Tahoe, lettuce fields in the Salinas Valley, and the gold country, among many others. It is a personal and intimate view, full of Adams' peerless landscapes but interspersed with glimpses of the state's distinctive architecture and scattered portraits of its luminaries. Accompanying these wonderful photographs are evocative poems, essays, and passages about California by a wide range of notable writers, including Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, John Muir, Robinson Jeffers, John Steinbeck, John McPhee, Wallace Stegner, and Joan Didion.
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