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Книга Sante D Orazio - "Katlick School"

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There is something powerfully erotic about Catholic schoolgirl uniforms. The blazer or sweater, the immaculate white shirt, the pleated skirt, the knee socks and athletic shoes are the stuff of legend. It's a charming fetish, as psycho-sexually resonant as the black motorcycle jacket or the nurse's uniform.



Описание Книга Sante D Orazio - "Katlick School":

Intended to bring equal status to the student body, and to induce its wearers to behave, the uniform often embodies a nascent rebellion against sexual repression. With Katlick School, Sante D'Orazio has produced a witty visual narrative of flirtation, starring a beautiful Latina schoolgirl named Kat. She holds her notebook like a shield to ward off advances. But with her skirt hiked up and snaps—not buttons—on her shirt, there's a hint of come-hither. We soon discover that the pleated skirt conceals "Snoopy" bikini underwear and a tattoo. Kat is willing to trade her trainers for thigh high spike heeled boots—and as the fantasy unfolds—we get to see her entirely out of uniform. Obviously, she is committed to rounding out her education As the Red Hot Chili Peppers sang, "Catholic school girls rule!" Sante D'Orazio's work has appeared in many top magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, Allure, Interview, and GQ. His previous publications include A Private View (foreword by Francesco Clemente), Photographs (foreword by John Yau) and Pam: American Icon with text by Glenn O'Brien, Jeff Koons and Richard Prince.
• Reminiscent of Araki and Helmut Newton at their best, Katlick School is a masterpiece of erotic art
• A taut and well-told visual narrative, both witty and sensual

ISBN: 3832791639
ISBN-13: 9783832791636
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256 страниц

Издательство: teNeues Publishing Company
Дата публикации: Ноябрь 2006

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